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B2B Marketing Festival Speaker Spotlight: Tom Livingstone

B2B marketing

We caught up with Tom Livingstone, Head of Marketing at Talentful ahead of the B2B Marketing Festival on June 7 & 8.

Please could you introduce yourself?

Hey guys, my name is Tom I'm head of marketing at Talentful, where I've been for about 3.5 years now, based in Sunny London, it's great to meet you all.

What will you be discussing at the upcoming B2B Marketing Festival?

So I'll be discussing how to build a better brand with storytelling.

What nugget of wisdom are you hoping to leave attendees with after your talk?

A nugget of wisdom. I guess there are loads of different ways to tell stories and there always have been. And these days there are also infinite channels through which you can tell those stories. So it's a case of just finding what works for you and your brand and then just running with that.

Which other sessions are you looking forward to attending at the festival?

Personally, I'm really looking forward to the brand loyalty and customer satisfaction session. I'm sure there'll be loads to learn there. Um Also really curious about the battle between marketing and sales sessions, interesting wording, so I'll be interested to find out what's in that session.

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B2B Marketing Alliance

B2B Marketing Alliance

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B2B Marketing Festival Speaker Spotlight: Tom Livingstone